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香港文聯 戲曲與曲藝家協會章程

香港文聯 戲曲與曲藝家協會章程

第一章 總則
第一條 本會名稱為香港戲曲與曲藝家協會(以下簡稱「本會」)。
第二條 本會是由香港特別行政區戲曲、曲藝領域的專業人士、愛好者、從業者以及相關團體自願組成的專業性、非營利性社會組織,旨在團結和凝聚香港戲曲與曲藝界力量,傳承、弘揚、創新戲曲與曲藝藝術,促進香港戲曲與曲藝事業的繁榮發展,加強與國內外同行的交流合作,提升香港戲曲與曲藝的文化影響力和藝術地位,豐富香港市民的精神文化生活。
第三條 本會遵守中華人民共和國憲法、香港特別行政區基本法以及香港的法律法規,依據自身特點開展各類活動,致力於推動戲曲與曲藝藝術在香港的傳承與發展。
第二章 任務
第四條 組織開展各類戲曲與曲藝演出活動,包括但不限於專場演出、戲曲曲藝晚會、社區巡演等,為會員提供展示才華的舞臺,向公眾傳播戲曲與曲藝文化,提高其藝術欣賞水平和文化素養,促進戲曲與曲藝藝術的普及與傳承。
第五條 舉辦戲曲與曲藝創作、表演、理論等方面的培訓、講座、研討會和學術交流活動,邀請資深藝術家、專家學者授課講學,組織會員交流創作經驗、表演技巧和學術成果,提升會員的專業水平和藝術素養,推動戲曲與曲藝藝術的創新與發展。
第六條 加強對戲曲與曲藝藝術的研究與整理,挖掘、搶救和保護傳統劇目、曲目及相關資料,開展戲曲與曲藝歷史、文化、藝術價值等方面的研究工作,推動戲曲與曲藝文化的傳承與發展,為後人留下寶貴的文化遺產。
第七條 建立和完善會員服務體系,維護會員的合法權益,為會員提供藝術推廣、市場信息、法律咨詢、職業發展規劃等方面的服務和支持,幫助會員解決在藝術創作、表演和職業發展過程中遇到的問題和困難,促進會員的成長與發展。
第八條 積極開展與國內外戲曲與曲藝團體、機構、藝術家的交流與合作,組織會員參加國際、國內的戲曲與曲藝比賽、展覽、演出、學術交流等活動,推動香港戲曲與曲藝走向世界,同時引進國內外優秀的戲曲與曲藝作品和藝術理念,促進香港戲曲與曲藝與國際接軌,提升其在國際上的知名度和影響力。
第三章 會員
第九條 本會會員分為個人會員和團體會員。
第十條 申請加入本會的個人會員,須具備以下條件:
第十一條 申請加入本會的團體會員,須具備以下條件:
第十二條 會員享有以下權利:
第十三條 會員應履行以下義務:
第十四條 會員如有違反本會章程或其他不良行為,經理事會討論決定,可給予警告、暫停會籍、取消會員資格等處分。
第四章 組織
第十五條 本會的最高權力機構是會員大會。會員大會的職權是:
第十六條 會員大會須有三分之二以上會員出席方能召開,其決議須經到會會員半數以上表決通過方能生效。
第十七條 會員大會每屆三年。因特殊情況需提前或延期換屆的,須由理事會表決通過,報業務主管單位審查並經社團登記管理機關批準同意,但延期換屆最長不超過一年。
第十八條 理事會是會員大會的執行機構,在會員大會閉會期間領導本會開展日常工作,對會員大會負責。
第十九條 理事會的職權是:
第二十條 理事會須有三分之二以上理事出席方能召開,其決議須經到會理事三分之二以上表決通過方能生效。
第二十一條 理事會每年至少召開1次會議,情況特殊的,也可采用通訊形式召開。
第二十二條 本會設立常務理事會,常務理事會由理事會選舉產生,在理事會閉會期間行使第十九條第一、三、五、六、七、八、九項的職權,對理事會負責。常務理事會須有三分之二以上常務理事出席方能召開,其決議須經到會常務理事三分之二以上表決通過方能生效。
第二十三條 常務理事會至少半年召開一次會議,情況特殊的也可采用通訊形式召開。
第二十四條 本會的會長、副會長、秘書長必須具備下列條件:
第二十五條 本會會長、副會長、秘書長如超過最高任職年齡的,須經理事會表決通過,報業務主管單位審查並經社團登記管理機關批準同意後,方可任職。
第二十六條 本會會長、副會長、秘書長任期[X]年,連任不得超過兩屆。因特殊情況需延長任期的,須經會員大會三分之二以上會員表決通過,報業務主管單位審查並經社團登記管理機關批準同意後方可任職。
第二十七條 本會會長為本會法定代表人。如因特殊情況需由副會長或秘書長擔任法定代表人,應報業務主管單位審查並經社團登記管理機關批準同意後,方可擔任。本會法定代表人不兼任其他團體的法定代表人。
第二十八條 本會會長行使下列職權:
第二十九條 本會秘書長行使下列職權:
第五章 經費及資產管理
第三十條 本會經費來源:
第三十一條 本會按照國家有關規定收取會員會費,會費標準須經會員大會審議通過,並報社團登記管理機關備案。
第三十二條 本會經費必須用於本章程規定的業務範圍和事業發展,包括但不限於戲曲與曲藝活動組織、演出道具與服裝購置、場地租賃、培訓開展、藝術研究、會員服務等方面,不得在會員中分配。
第三十三條 本會建立嚴格的財務管理製度,保證會計資料合法、真實、準確、完整。配備具有專業資格的會計人員,會計不得兼任出納。會計人員必須進行會計核算,實行會計監督。會計人員調動工作或離職時,必須與接管人員辦清交接手續。
第三十四條 本會的資產管理必須執行國家規定的財務管理製度,接受會員大會和財政部門的監督。資產來源屬於國家撥款或者社會捐贈、資助的,必須接受審計機關的監督,並將有關情況以適當方式向社會公布。
第三十五條 本會換屆或更換法定代表人之前必須進行財務審計。
第三十六條 本會的資產,任何單位、個人不得侵占、私分和挪用。
第三十七條 本會專職工作人員的工資和保險、福利待遇,參照國家對事業單位的有關規定執行。
第六章 章程的修改程序
第三十八條 對本會章程的修改,須經理事會表決通過後報會員大會審議。
第三十九條 本會修改的章程,須在會員大會通過後 15 日內,經業務主管單位審查同意,並報社團登記管理機關核準後生效。
第七章 終止程序及終止後的財產處理
第四十條 本會完成宗旨或自行解散或由於分立、合並等原因需要註銷的,由理事會提出終止動議。
第四十一條 本會終止動議須經會員大會表決通過,並報業務主管單位審查同意。
第四十二條 本會終止前,須在業務主管單位及有關機關指導下成立清算組織,清理債權債務,處理善後事宜。清算期間,不開展清算以外的活動。
第四十三條 本會經社團登記管理機關辦理註銷登記手續後即為終止。
第四十四條 本會終止後的剩余財產,在業務主管單位和社團登記管理機關的監督下,按照國家有關規定,用於發展與本會宗旨相關的戲曲與曲藝事業,如捐贈給相關的戲曲曲藝學校、藝術傳承機構、文化遺產保護項目等。
第八章 附則
第四十五條 本章程經會員大會表決通過。
第四十六條 本章程的解釋權屬本會理事會。
第四十七條 本章程自社團登記管理機關核準之日起生效。

Articles of Association of Hong Kong Opera and Singers
Chapter 1 General Provisions
Article 1 The name of this association is the Hong Kong Opera and Quyi Artists Association (hereinafter referred to as "this Association").
Article 2 This Association is a professional, non-profit social organization voluntarily composed of professionals, enthusiasts, practitioners in the fields of opera and quyi in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, as well as related groups. It aims to unite and gather the strength of the Hong Kong opera and quyi circles, inherit, promote and innovate the art of opera and quyi, promote the prosperity and development of the opera and quyi undertakings in Hong Kong, strengthen exchanges and cooperation with domestic and foreign counterparts, enhance the cultural influence and artistic status of Hong Kong's opera and quyi, and enrich the spiritual and cultural life of Hong Kong citizens.
Article 3 This Association complies with the Constitution of the People's Republic of China, the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the laws and regulations of Hong Kong, and conducts various activities according to its own characteristics, striving to promote the inheritance and development of the art of opera and quyi in Hong Kong.
Chapter 2 Tasks
Article 4 Organize various opera and quyi performance activities, including but not limited to special performances, opera and quyi evenings, community tours, etc., to provide a stage for members to display their talents, disseminate the culture of opera and quyi to the public, improve their artistic appreciation level and cultural literacy, and promote the popularization and inheritance of the art of opera and quyi.
Article 5 Hold training, lectures, seminars and academic exchange activities in the aspects of opera and quyi creation, performance and theory, invite senior artists and experts and scholars to give lectures, and organize members to exchange creative experience, performance skills and academic achievements, so as to improve the professional level and artistic accomplishment of members and promote the innovation and development of the art of opera and quyi.
Article 6 Strengthen the research and collation of the art of opera and quyi, excavate, rescue and protect traditional operas, repertoires and related materials, carry out research work on the history, culture and artistic value of opera and quyi, promote the inheritance and development of the culture of opera and quyi, and leave precious cultural heritage for future generations.
Article 7 Establish and improve the member service system, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of members, provide members with services and support in art promotion, market information, legal consultation, career development planning, etc., help members solve the problems and difficulties encountered in the process of artistic creation, performance and career development, and promote the growth and development of members.
Article 8 Actively carry out exchanges and cooperation with domestic and foreign opera and quyi groups, institutions and artists, organize members to participate in opera and quyi competitions, exhibitions, performances, academic exchanges and other activities at home and abroad, promote Hong Kong's opera and quyi to the world, and at the same time introduce excellent opera and quyi works and artistic concepts from home and abroad, promote the integration of Hong Kong's opera and quyi with the international community, and enhance its popularity and influence in the international arena.
Chapter 3 Members
Article 9 The members of this Association are divided into individual members and group members.
Article 10 An individual who applies to join this Association must meet the following conditions:
(1) Support the constitution of this Association;
(2) Love the art of opera or quyi, have a certain professional level, practical experience or artistic achievements in the fields of performance, creation, direction, teaching, research, criticism, organization and dissemination of opera or quyi, or have made positive contributions to the development of the art of opera and quyi;
(3) Be recommended by two members of this Association, submit personal artistic resume, representative works or relevant achievement materials, and be approved by the council before becoming an individual member of this Association.
Article 11 A group that applies to join this Association must meet the following conditions:
(1) Support the constitution of this Association;
(2) Opera troupes, quyi teams, opera and quyi training institutions, research institutions, cultural communication companies and other enterprises, institutions or social organizations related to opera and quyi that are legally registered and established in the Hong Kong region, have a certain scale, organizational structure and business activity ability, and actively carry out activities such as the creation, performance, training, research and dissemination of opera and quyi;
(3) Submit relevant materials such as group registration certificates, organizational structures, business scopes, activity plans and summaries, and be approved by the council before becoming a group member of this Association. Its members can apply to become individual members according to the constitution of this Association.
Article 12 Members enjoy the following rights:
(1) The right to vote, to be elected and to vote;
(2) To participate in various activities organized by this Association, including performances, trainings and exchanges;
(3) To obtain the services and support provided by this Association, such as art promotion, market information and legal assistance;
(4) To put forward criticisms, suggestions and supervision on the work of this Association;
(5) To have the priority to use the artistic resources and facilities of this Association (if any);
(6) To join this Association voluntarily and to withdraw from it freely.
Article 13 Members shall fulfill the following obligations:
(1) Abide by the constitution of this Association and implement the resolutions of this Association;
(2) Safeguard the legitimate rights and interests and reputation of this Association;
(3) Actively participate in the activities organized by this Association and complete the tasks assigned by this Association;
(4) Pay membership dues on time;
(5) Provide opera and quyi works, information and other resources to this Association to support the development and construction of this Association.
Article 14 If a member violates the constitution of this Association or has other improper behaviors, the council may, after discussion and decision, give warnings, suspend membership, cancel membership qualifications and other sanctions.
Chapter 4 Organization
Article 15 The highest authority of this Association is the general membership meeting. The functions and powers of the general membership meeting are:
(1) To formulate and amend the constitution;
(2) To elect and remove directors;
(3) To review the work report and financial report of the council;
(4) To determine the work guidelines, tasks and major matters of this Association;
(5) To formulate and amend the membership dues standard;
(6) To decide on termination matters and other major matters.
Article 16 The general membership meeting can only be held when more than two-thirds of the members are present, and its resolutions can only take effect when more than half of the members present vote in favor.
Article 17 Each term of the general membership meeting is three years. If it is necessary to change the term in advance or delay due to special circumstances, it shall be approved by the board of directors by vote, submitted to the competent business unit for examination and approved by the registration and administration of societies, but the extension of the term of change shall not exceed one year.
Article 18 The council is the executive body of the general Assembly, which leads the daily work of the Association and is responsible to the general Assembly when the general Assembly is not in session. 

Article 19 The functions and powers of the Council are as follows: 

(1) To implement the resolutions of the general Assembly; 

(2) to elect and remove the president, vice president, secretary general, deputy secretary general and executive director; 

(3) to prepare for the convening of the general meeting of members; 

(4) to report its work and financial situation to the general assembly; 

(5) to decide on the admission or expulsion of members; 

(6) to decide on the establishment of offices, branches, representative offices and entity offices; 

(7) to decide on the appointment of the principal heads of the institutions; 

(8) to lead the work of various organs of the Council; 

(9) to formulate internal management system; 

(10) To decide on other major matters. 

Article 20 The council shall be convened only when two-thirds or more of its members are present, and its resolution shall take effect only when it is approved by two-thirds or more of the members present. 

Article 21 The Board of Directors shall convene at least 1 meeting every year, and may also be convened by means of correspondence under special circumstances. 

Article 22 The Council shall establish a Standing Council, which shall be elected by the Council and shall exercise the functions and powers of item 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 of Article 19 when the Council is not in session and shall be responsible to the Council. The Standing Council shall be convened only when two-thirds or more of its executive directors are present, and its resolutions shall take effect only when voted by two-thirds or more of the executive directors present. 

Article 23 The meeting of the Standing Council shall be held at least once every six months, and may also be convened by means of correspondence under special circumstances. 

Article 24 The President, vice president and Secretary General of the Council must meet the following requirements: (1) adhere to the Party's line, principles and policies, and have good political quality; 

(2) have a greater influence in the business field of the Association; 

(3) the maximum age of the president, vice president and Secretary General shall not exceed 65 years of age, and the secretary general shall be full-time; 

(4) be in good health and able to work normally; 

(5) having not received criminal punishment for deprivation of political rights; 

(6) it has full capacity for civil conduct. 

Article 25 If the president, vice president and secretary general of the Association are above the maximum age for holding office, they can take office only after being voted by the Council, reported to the competent business unit for examination and approved by the registration and administration authority of the association. 

Article 26 The term of office of the President, vice president and Secretary General of the Association shall be 3 years, and the re-election shall not exceed two terms. If the term of office needs to be extended due to special circumstances, it shall be voted by more than two-thirds of the members of the general assembly, submitted to the competent business unit for examination and approved by the registration and administration authority of the association before taking office. 

Article 27 The President shall be the legal representative of the Association. If it is necessary for the vice president or the secretary-general to act as the legal representative due to special circumstances, he can only act after being examined by the competent business unit and approved by the registration and administration authority of the association. The legal representative of the Association shall not concurrently serve as the legal representative of other organizations. 

Article 28 The President of the Association shall exercise the following powers: 

(1) To convene and preside over meetings of the Council and the Standing Council; 

(2) To inspect the implementation of the resolutions of the General Assembly, the Board of Directors and the Standing Board of Directors; 

(3) to sign relevant important documents on behalf of the Council; 

(4) to co-ordinate the work and activities of the Association and promote the development of the Association. 

Article 29 The Secretary-General of the Council shall exercise the following functions and powers: 

(1) to preside over the daily work of the office and organize the implementation of the annual  work plan.

(2) to coordinate the work of branches, representative offices and entity offices; 

(3) to nominate deputy secretaries-general and principal heads of offices, branches, representative offices and entities and submit them to the Council of Governors or the Standing Council for decision; 

(4) to decide on the employment of full-time staff members of the administrative offices, representative offices and entity offices; 

(5) to be responsible for the financial management of the Council, the revenue and expenditure of funds, and the preparation of financial budgets and final accounts reports; (vi) to handle other daily affairs. 

Chapter V Administration of Funds and Assets

Article 30 Sources of funds of the Association: 

(1) income from membership dues; 

(2) income from donations; 

(3) government subsidies; 

(4) Income from activities or services carried out within the approved business scope, such as fees for holding performances, training courses, cultural activities, etc.; 

(5) interest income;  

(6) other lawful income. 

Article 31 The Association shall collect membership dues in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State. The membership dues standard shall be reviewed and approved by the general Assembly and submitted to the registration and administration authority of the association for the record. 

Article 32 The funds of the Association shall be used for the business scope and career development stipulated in the Articles of Association, including but not limited to the organization of opera and folk art activities, the purchase of performance props and costumes, venue rental, training, art research, member services and other aspects, and shall not be distributed among members. 

Article 33 The Association shall establish a strict financial management system to ensure that the accounting information is legal, true, accurate and complete. It shall be equipped with accounting personnel with professional qualifications, and accountants shall not concurrently serve as cashiers. Accountants must conduct accounting and exercise accounting supervision. When an accountant is transferred to another job or leaves office, he must complete the handover formalities with the receiver. 

Article 34 The assets management of the Association must implement the financial management system prescribed by the state, and accept the supervision of the general assembly and the financial department. If the source of assets belongs to the state appropriation or social donation or subsidy, it must accept the supervision of the audit institution, and the relevant information shall be announced to the society in an appropriate way. 

Article 35 The financial audit shall be conducted before the change of the term of office or the change of the legal representative. 

Article 36 No unit or individual shall seize, privately divide or misappropriate the assets of the  Association.

Article 37 The salary, insurance and welfare benefits of the full-time staff of the Council shall be implemented with reference to the relevant regulations of the State for public institutions. 

Chapter VI Procedures for amending Articles of Association 

Article 38 Amendments to the Articles of Association shall be submitted to the General Assembly for deliberation after being approved by the Board of Directors. 

Article 39 The amended articles of Association shall come into effect after being examined and approved by the competent business unit and submitted to the registration administration of societies for approval within 15 days after the adoption by the general Assembly. 

Chapter VII Termination procedures and disposal of property after termination 

Article 40 If the Association completes its purpose or dissolves itself or needs to be cancelled due to division, merger or other reasons, the Council shall put forward a motion for termination. 

Article 41 The motion for termination of the Council shall be passed by the general assembly and submitted to the competent business unit for examination and approval. 

Article 42 Before the termination of the Association, it shall set up a liquidation organization under the guidance of the competent business unit and relevant authorities to settle claims and debts and deal with the aftermath. During the liquidation period, no activities other than liquidation shall be carried out. 

Article 43 The Association shall terminate after the registration cancellation formalities are handled by the association registration administration authority. 

Article 44 The remaining property after the termination of the Association shall, under the supervision of the business unit in charge and the registration and administration authority of the association, be used for the development of opera and folk art undertakings related to the purpose of the Association in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State, such as donation to the relevant opera and folk art schools, art inheritance institutions, cultural heritage protection projects, etc. 

Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions 

Article 45 The Articles of Association are approved by the general Assembly. 

Article 46 The right to interpret these Articles of Association belongs to the Board of Directors. 

Article 47 The Articles of association shall take effect as of the date of approval by the registration and administration authority of the association.

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  • Copyright @ 2000-2009 香港特別行政區文學藝術界聯合會 
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