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香港文聯 作家協會章程

香港文聯 作家協會章程


第一章 總則

第一條 本會名稱爲香港作傢協會,英文名稱爲Hong Kong Writers Association。

第二條 本會是由香港特彆行政區內的作傢及文學愛好者自願組成的專業性社會團體,是聯繫香港作傢和文學工作者的橋梁和紐帶,是促進香港文學事業繁榮發展的重要力量。

第三條 本會宗旨是:擁護中華人民共和國香港特彆行政區基本法,堅持文藝“爲人民服務、爲社會主義服務”的方嚮和“百花齊放、百傢爭鳴”的方針,團結廣大作傢和文學工作者,積極推動香港文學的創作、研究、交流與傳播,爲香港文學事業的繁榮和發展而努力奮鬥。

第四條 本會遵守中華人民共和國憲法、香港特彆行政區基本法及其他相關法律法規,按照自身特點開展各項活動。

第二章 會員

第五條 本會會員分爲個人會員和團體會員。

第六條 凡在文學創作、評論、翻譯、編輯等領域具有一定成就或影響力,贊成本章程,自願申請加入本會并經本會批準的個人,可成爲本會個人會員。

第七條 凡依法成立的與文學相關的團體、組織,贊成本章程,自願申請加入本會并經本會批準的,可成爲本會團體會員。

第八條 會員享有下列權利:選舉權、被選舉權和錶決權;參加本會組織的各項活動;穫得本會服務的優先權;對本會工作的批評建議權和監督權;入會自願、退會自由。

第九條 會員履行下列義務:遵守本會章程,執行本會決議;維護本會合法權益和聲譽;積極參加本會組織的各項活動;按時交納會費;嚮本會反映情況,提供有關資料。

第三章 組織

第十條 本會的組織原則是民主集中製。

第十一條 本會最高權力機構是會員代錶大會,其職權是:製定和修改本會章程;選舉和罷免理事;審議理事會的工作報告和財務報告;決定本會的工作方針和任務;決定其他重大事項。

第十二條 會員代錶大會每三年召開一次,必要時可提前或延期召開。

第十三條 理事會是會員代錶大會的執行機構,在會員代錶大會閉會期間領導本會開展日常工作,對會員代錶大會負責。理事會由會員代錶大會選舉產生,任期與會員代錶大會相同。

第十四條 理事會的職權是:執行會員代錶大會的決議;選舉和罷免會長、副會長、秘書長;籌備召開會員代錶大會;嚮會員代錶大會報告工作和財務狀況;決定會員的吸收或除名;決定設立辦事機構、分支機構、代錶機構和實體機構;決定副秘書長、各機構主要負責人的聘任;領導本會各機構開展工作;製定內部管理製度;決定其他重大事項。

第十五條 本會設立會長一人、副會長若幹人、秘書長一人,由理事會選舉產生。會長、副會長、秘書長任期與理事會相同,可連選連任。

第十六條 本會會長行使下列職權:召集和主持理事會會議;檢查會員代錶大會、理事會決議的落實情況;代錶本會籤署有關重要文件;處理本會其他重大事務。

第十七條 本會秘書長行使下列職權:主持辦事機構開展日常工作,組織實施年度工作計劃;協調各分支機構、代錶機構、實體機構開展工作;提名副秘書長以及各辦事機構、分支機構、代錶機構和實體機構主要負責人,交理事會決定;處理其他日常事務。

第四章 經費及資產管理

第十八條 本會經費來源主要包括:會費收入;社會捐贈和資助;政府資助;在核準的業務範圍內開展活動或服務的收入;利息收入;其他合法收入。

第十九條 本會經費必鬚用於本章程規定的業務範圍和事業的發展,不得在會員中分配。

第二十條 本會建立嚴格的財務管理製度,保證會計資料合法、真實、準確、完整。

第二十一條 本會配備具有專業資格的會計人員。會計不得兼任齣納。會計人員調動工作或離職時,必鬚與接管人員辦清交接手續。

第二十二條 本會的資產管理必鬚執行國傢規定的財務管理製度,接受會員代錶大會和財政部門的監督。資產來源屬於國傢撥款或者社會捐贈、資助的,必鬚接受審計機關的監督,并將有關情況以適當方式嚮社會公布。

第二十三條 本會換屆或更換法定代錶人之前必鬚接受社團登記管理機關和業務指導單位組織的財務審計。

第五章 章程的修改程序

第二十四條 對本會章程的修改,鬚經理事會錶決通過後報會員代錶大會審議通過。

第二十五條 本會修改的章程,鬚在會員代錶大會通過後15日內,經業務指導單位審查同意,并報社團登記管理機關核準後生效。

第六章 終止程序及終止後的財產處理

第二十六條 本會完成宗旨或自行解散或由於分立、合并等原因需要注銷的,由理事會或主席團提齣終止動議。

第二十七條 本會終止動議鬚經會員代錶大會錶決通過,并報業務主管單位審查同意。

第二十八條 本會終止前,鬚在業務主管單位及有關機關指導下成立清算組織,清理債權債務,處理善後事宜。清算期間,不開展清算以外的活動。

第二十九條 本會經社團登記管理機關辦理注銷登記手續後即爲終止。

第三十條 本會終止後的剩餘財產,在業務主管單位和社團登記管理機關的監督下,按照國傢有關規定,用於發展與本團體宗旨相關的事業。

Hong Kong Writers Association

Chapter I General Provisions


Article 1 The name of this association is Hong Kong Writers Association.

Article 2 This association is a professional social organization voluntarily formed by writers and literature lovers in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. It is a bridge and bond connecting Hong Kong writers and literary workers and an important force in promoting the prosperity and development of Hong Kong literature.

Article 3 The purpose of this association is to support the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, adhere to the direction of "serving the people and serving socialism" and the policy of "letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend", unite the vast number of writers and literary workers, actively promote the creation, research, exchange and dissemination of Hong Kong literature, and strive for the prosperity and development of Hong Kong literature.

Article 4 This association shall abide by the Constitution of the People's Republic of China, the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and other relevant laws and regulations and carry out various activities in accordance with its own characteristics.


Chapter II Members


Article 5 The members of this association are divided into individual members and group members.

Article 6 Any individual who has achieved certain achievements or influence in the fields of literary creation, criticism, translation and editing, approves this charter, voluntarily applies for membership in this association and is approved by this association may become an individual member of this association.

Article 7 Any legally established group or organization related to literature that approves this charter, voluntarily applies for membership in this association and is approved by this association may become a group member of this association.

Article 8 Members shall enjoy the following rights: the right to vote, to be elected and to vote; the right to participate in various activities organized by this association; the right of priority in obtaining the services of this association; the right to criticize, suggest and supervise the work of this association; the freedom to join and withdraw from the association.

Article 9 Members shall perform the following obligations: abide by the charter of this association and implement the resolutions of this association; safeguard the legitimate rights and interests and reputation of this association; actively participate in various activities organized by this association; pay membership dues on time; report the situation to this association and provide relevant information.


Chapter III Organization


Article 10 The organizational principle of this association is democratic centralism.

Article 11 The highest authority of this association is the Congress of Members, whose functions and powers are: to formulate and amend the charter of this association; to elect and recall the council members; to review the work report and financial report of the council; to determine the working principles and tasks of this association; to decide other major matters.

Article 12 The members' congress shall be held once every three years and may be held in advance or postponed if necessary.

Article 13 The council is the executive body of the members' congress and shall lead the daily work of this association during the adjournment of the members' congress and be responsible to the member representative assembly. The council shall be elected by the members' congress and its term of office shall be the same as that of the members' congress.

Article 14 The functions and powers of the council are: to implement the resolutions of the members' congress; to elect and recall the president, vice presidents and secretary-general; to prepare for the convening of the members' congress; to report the work and financial situation to the members' congress; to decide on the admission or expulsion of members; to decide on the establishment of administrative offices, branches, representative offices and entity institutions; to decide on the appointment of deputy secretaries-general and the main persons in charge of each institution; to lead the work of each institution of this association; to formulate internal management systems; to decide on other major matters.

Article 15 This association shall have one president, several vice presidents and one secretary-general, who shall be elected by the council. The term of office of the president, vice presidents and secretary-general shall be the same as that of the council and they may be re-elected consecutively.

Article 16 The president of this association shall exercise the following functions and powers: to convene and preside over the council meetings; to check the implementation of the resolutions of the members' congress and the council; to sign important documents on behalf of this association; to deal with other major affairs of this association.

Article 17 The secretary-general of this association shall exercise the following functions and powers: to preside over the daily work of the administrative office and organize the implementation of the annual work plan; to coordinate the work of various branches, representative offices and entity institutions; to nominate deputy secretaries-general and the main persons in charge of each administrative office, branch, representative office and entity institution and submit them to the council for decision; to handle other daily affairs.


Chapter IV Funds and Asset Management


Article 18 The main sources of funds of this association include: membership dues income; social donations and sponsorships; government subsidies; income from activities or services carried out within the approved business scope; interest income; other legal incomes.

Article 19 The funds of this association must be used for the business scope and the development of the cause specified in this charter and shall not be distributed among the members.

Article 20 This association shall establish a strict financial management system to ensure the legality, authenticity, accuracy and integrity of accounting information.

Article 21 This association shall be equipped with professional accounting personnel. Accountants shall not concurrently serve as cashiers. When an accountant is transferred to another job or leaves office, he must go through the handover formalities with the receiver.

Article 22 The asset management of this association must implement the national financial management system and accept the supervision of the member representative assembly and the financial department. If the assets come from state appropriations or social donations and sponsorships, they must be subject to the supervision of the auditing organ and the relevant situation shall be publicly announced to the public in an appropriate manner.

Article 23 Before the change of term or the replacement of the legal representative of this association, it must accept the financial audit organized by the social organization registration and management authority of the association and the business guiding unit. 


Chapter V Amendment Procedure of the Charter


Article 24 The amendment of the charter of this association must be passed by the council and then submitted to the members' congress for review and approval.

Article 25 The amended charter of this association shall come into effect after being reviewed and approved by the business guidance unit within 15 days after being passed by the members' congress and being approved by the social organization registration and management organ.


Chapter VI Termination Procedure and Disposal of Assets after Termination

Article 26 If the Council completes its purpose or dissolves itself or needs to be cancelled due to division, merger or other reasons, the council or the presidium shall put forward a motion for termination. 

Article 27 The motion of termination shall be passed by the vote of the General Assembly of the members and submitted to the competent business unit for examination and approval. 

Article 28 Before the termination of the Association, it shall set up a liquidation organization under the guidance of the competent business unit and relevant authorities to clear up claims and debts and deal with the aftermath. During the liquidation period, no activities other than liquidation shall be carried out. 

Article 29 The Association shall terminate after the registration cancellation formalities are handled by the association registration administration authority.

Article 30 The remaining property after the termination of the Association shall be used to develop the cause related to the purpose of the association in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state under the supervision of the business unit in charge and the registration and administration authority of the association. 

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  • Copyright @ 2000-2009 香港特別行政區文學藝術界聯合會 
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