第一章 總則
第一條 本會名稱爲“香港攝影傢協會”(以下簡稱“本會”)。
第二條 本會宗旨是團結香港及全球華人攝影傢,弘揚攝影藝術,推動攝影事業的發展,促進攝影文化的交流與合作,提高攝影藝術水平,豐富大衆文化生活。
第三條 本會遵守中華人民共和國憲法、香港特彆行政區基本法及其他相關法律法規,在香港特彆行政區依法開展活動。
第二章 會員
第四條 凡熱愛攝影藝術,在攝影領域有一定造詣或貢獻,贊成本會章程,年滿18周歲的香港居民及其他地區華人,均可申請加入本會。申請時需提交個人攝影作品及相關資料,經本會理事會審核通過,并繳納會費後,方可成爲會員。
第五條 會員享有選舉權、被選舉權、錶決權、監督權,參加本會組織的活動,穫得本會服務及資料,對本會工作提齣建議和批評等權利。
第六條 會員應遵守本會章程,執行本會決議,按時繳納會費,積極參加本會活動,維護本會聲譽和利益等。如有違反,本會可視情節輕重給予警告、暫停會員資格或取消會員資格等處分。
第三章 組織架構
第七條 本會最高權力機構是會員大會,其職權包括製定和修改章程、選舉和罷免理事、審議理事會工作報告和財務報告、決定本會重大事項等。
第八條 理事會是會員大會的執行機構,在會員大會閉會期間領導本會開展日常工作,對會員大會負責。理事會由若幹理事組成,理事由會員大會選舉產生。
第九條 本會設會長、副會長、秘書長等職務,由理事會選舉產生,負責本會的全面工作和日常管理。
第四章 活動與經費
第十條 本會定期或不定期舉辦各類攝影展覽、比賽、講座、培訓、交流等活動,以提高會員的攝影水平和促進攝影藝術的發展。
第十一條 本會經費來源主要包括會員會費、社會捐贈、政府資助、活動收入及其他合法收入。本會經費必鬚用於本章程規定的業務範圍和事業的發展,不得在會員中分配。
第十二條 本會建立嚴格的財務管理製度,保證會計資料合法、真實、準確、完整,并接受會員大會和政府有關部門的監督。
第五章 章程的修改
第十三條 本會章程的修改,鬚經會員大會錶決通過後生效。
第六章 終止程序及終止後的財產處理
第十四條 本會完成宗旨或自行解散或由於分立、合并等原因需要注銷的,由理事會提齣終止動議,經會員大會錶決通過,并報相關部門備案。
第十五條 本會終止前,鬚在相關部門指導下成立清算組織,清理債權債務,處理善後事宜。清算期間,不開展清算以外的活動。
第十六條 本會終止後的剩餘財產,在相關部門的監督下,按照國傢有關規定,用於發展與本會宗旨相關的事業。
Hong Kong Photographers Association
Chapter 1 General Provisions
Article 1 The name of this association is "Hong Kong Photographers Association" (hereinafter referred to as "the Association").
Article 2 The purpose of the Association is to unite Hong Kong and global Chinese photographers, promote the art of photography, drive the development of the photography career, facilitate the exchange and cooperation of photographic culture, improve the level of photographic art and enrich the public cultural life.
Article 3 The Association shall abide by the Constitution of the People's Republic of China, the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and other relevant laws and regulations and carry out activities in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region according to law.
Chapter 2 Members
Article 4 Any Hong Kong resident and Chinese from other regions who loves the art of photography, has certain attainments or contributions in the field of photography, approves the constitution of the Association and is over 18 years old can apply to join the Association. When applying, personal photographic works and relevant materials need to be submitted. After being reviewed and approved by the Council of the Association and paying the membership dues, one can become a member.
Article 5 Members enjoy the rights of election, being elected, voting, supervision, participating in the activities organized by the Association, obtaining the services and materials of the Association and making suggestions and criticisms on the work of the Association.
Article 6 Members shall abide by the constitution of the Association, execute the resolutions of the Association, pay the membership dues on time, actively participate in the activities of the Association and safeguard the reputation and interests of the Association. In case of violation, the Association may, depending on the seriousness of the circumstances, give warnings, suspend the membership or cancel the membership.
Chapter 3 Organizational Structure
Article 7 The highest authority of the Association is the general meeting of members. Its functions and powers include formulating and amending the constitution, electing and recalling the councilors, deliberating the work report and financial report of the Council and deciding on major matters of the Association.
Article 8 The Council is the executive body of the general meeting of members and leads the Association to carry out daily work during the adjournment of the general meeting of members and is responsible to the general meeting of members. The Council consists of several councilors and the councilors are elected by the general meeting of members.
Article 9 The Association shall have the positions of president, vice president, secretary general and so on, which are elected by the Council and are responsible for the overall work and daily management of the Association.
Chapter 4 Activities and Funds
Article 10 The Association regularly or irregularly holds various photographic exhibitions, competitions, lectures, trainings, exchanges and other activities to improve the photographic level of members and promote the development of the art of photography.
Article 11 The main sources of funds of the Association include membership dues, social donations, government subsidies, activity income and other legal income. The funds of the Association must be used for the business scope and the development of the cause stipulated in this constitution and shall not be distributed among the members.
Article 12 The Association shall establish a strict financial management system to ensure that the accounting materials are legal, true, accurate and complete and accept the supervision of the general meeting of members and the relevant government departments.
Chapter 5 Amendment of the Constitution
Article 13 The amendment of the constitution of the Association shall take effect after being voted and passed by the general meeting of members.
Chapter 6 Termination Procedure and Disposal of Property after Termination
Article 14 If the Association has completed its purpose or dissolves itself or needs to be cancelled due to division, merger or other reasons, the Council shall put forward a motion of termination, which shall be voted and passed by the general meeting of members and reported to the relevant departments for record.
Article 15 Before the termination of the Association, a liquidation organization shall be established under the guidance of the relevant departments to clear up the claims and debts and handle the aftermath. During the liquidation period, no activities other than liquidation shall be carried out.
Article 16 The remaining property of the Association after termination shall, under the supervision of the relevant departments and in accordance with the relevant state regulations, be used for the development of the cause related to the purpose of the Association.