第一章 總則
第一條 本會名稱爲香港美術傢協會,英文名稱爲Hong Kong Artists Association。
第二條 本會是由香港特彆行政區政府批準成立,在香港注冊署注冊備案,由全球華人美術傢組成的專業性社會團體,是聯繫全球華人美術傢和美術工作者的橋梁和紐帶,是繁榮香港特彆行政區及國內外華人美術事業的重要力量。
第三條 本會宗旨是:堅決擁護中華人民共和國中央人民政府及香港基本法,堅持文藝“爲人民服務”的方嚮和“百花齊放、百傢爭鳴”的方針,弘揚主旋律,提倡多樣化。團結廣大美術傢和美術工作者,與時俱進,開拓創新,爲繁榮和發展香港特彆行政區及國內外華人的美術事業而奮鬥。
第四條 本會遵守中華人民共和國憲法和香港特彆行政區基本法,按自身的特點開展各項會務活動。
第二章 任務
第五條 本會對會員有聯絡、協調、服務和業務上進行指導的職責。
第六條 按照德藝雙馨的要求,努力提高美術傢和美術工作者的思想道德素質、文化修養和業務水平。
第七條 鼓勵創新,對優秀的美術創作、美術理論成果以及在工作中有顯著成績的美術工作者,予以奬勵和錶彰。
第八條 髮揮本會自身優勢,積極協助會員與國內外演齣機構建立業務聯繫,組織各種形式的展覽、拍賣活動,爲香港文聯美術傢面嚮國內外藝術市場做好服務、協調、組織工作。
第九條 舉辦展齣觀摩、交流座談等活動,促進美術傢的提高與發展,促進美術事業的繁榮。
第十條 組織學術研討活動,促進理論工作的提高與發展,利用相關媒體,努力反映美術創作、理論、教育等方面的現狀和成果。
第十一條 努力促進美術教育的發展,重視、支持并引導開展民間的、業餘的美術傢交流活動,促進美術普及與提高的相互發展。
第十二條 促進并加強與祖國大陸、澳門特彆行政區、台灣地區及海外僑胞中的美術傢和美術傢團體的聯繫和往來,爲弘揚香港特區美術文化和促進祖國統一大業貢獻力量。
第十三條 促進國際美術交流,增進同各國美術傢、美術傢團體和組織的友誼,爲世界華人美術的共同發展作齣貢獻。
第十四條 加強與政府有關部門及社會各界的合作,積極發展美術文化產業。
第十五條 依據憲法、法律、法規維護美術工作者的合法權益。
第三章 會員
第十六條 本會實行個人會員和團體會員製。
第十七條 凡具有中華人民共和國公民身份,年滿16周歲,在美術領域取得顯著成績的美術工作者,贊成本章程,本人申請,由兩名本會會員介紹,經所在團體會員單位同意推薦至本轄區香港特彆行政區文學藝術界聯合會創作交流中心核準填錶後報香港文聯創作交流中心,經本會審批,履行必要手續後,即可成爲本會會員。
第十八條 部分未成立香港文聯創作交流中心的省、自治區、直轄市及流動性較大的民營美術工作者,贊成本章程,本人提齣申請,經兩名本會會員介紹,可直接嚮香港特彆行政區文學藝術界聯合會創作交流中心提齣申請,經本會批準,成爲本會會員。
第十九條 會員有遵守本會章程,執行本會決議,參加本會活動,維護本會權益,按期交納會費及網絡維護費的義務。會員有選舉權和被選舉權,有對本會工作監督、批評、建議的權利。
第二十條 會員因違反會章或違犯政紀、國法,經本會主席團討論決定,視情節輕重,可通報批評、暫停會籍,直至取消會員資格。本會通過一定程序勸其退會。
第二十一條 凡對美術事業有特殊貢獻的外國美術傢和旅外華人美術傢,經審核批準,可授予榮譽會員稱號。
第四章 組織
第二十二條 本會的組織原則是民主集中製。本會最高權力機構爲會員代錶大會。其職權是:決定本會的工作方針和任務;審議工作報告;製定和修改《香港美術傢協會章程》;選舉產生領導機構;決定其它重大事項。
第二十三條 會員的代錶由各創作交流中心和相關單位推舉產生,并根據情況確定部分特邀代錶。同時作爲代錶該創作交流中心的理事候選人。代錶會員的理事,工作變動後由創作交流中心會員另行推舉更替人選,報本會主席團審批。
第二十四條 代錶大會選舉產生理事會。理事會選舉主席一人、副主席若幹人組成主席團。主席團任命秘書長1人,副秘書長若幹人。會員代錶大會閉會期間,由理事會執行代錶大會決議。理事會閉會期間,由主席團負責執行代錶大會和理事會的決議。
第二十五條 本會設立顧問榮譽職務,由主席團聘請。顧問不兼任理事。
第二十六條 對違反會章、違法或不稱職的領導成員,通過民主程序,予以調整、罷免或撤換。
第五章 經費及其他
第二十七條 本會經費來源爲國傢撥款、會員會費、網站維護費,社會贊助及其它合法收入。
第二十八條 會址設在香港。內地總辦事處設在北京。
第二十九條 本章程由本會會員代錶大會討論通過,其修改權屬本會會員代錶大會。章程條文的解釋權屬香港美術傢協會。
Hong Kong Artists Association
Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1 The name of this association is Hong Kong Artists Association.
Article 2 This association is a professional social organization composed of Chinese artists worldwide, approved by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government and registered with the Hong Kong Registry. It serves as a bridge and bond connecting Chinese artists and art workers worldwide and is an important force in prospering the art undertakings of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Chinese at home and abroad.
Article 3 The purpose of this association is to firmly support the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China and the Hong Kong Basic Law, adhere to the direction of "serving the people" and the policy of "letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend" in literature and art, promote the main melody and advocate diversity. Unite the vast number of artists and art workers, keep advancing with the times and blazing new trails, and strive for the prosperity and development of the art undertakings of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Chinese at home and abroad.
Article 4 This association abides by the Constitution of the People's Republic of China and the Hong Kong Basic Law and conducts various business activities according to its own characteristics.
Chapter II Tasks
Article 5 This association has the responsibility to contact, coordinate, serve and guide members in business.
Article 6 Strive to improve the ideological and moral quality, cultural accomplishment and professional level of artists and art workers according to the requirements of having both moral integrity and artistic skills.
Article 7 Encourage innovation and reward and commend excellent art creations, art theory achievements and art workers who have made remarkable achievements in their work.
Article 8 Give play to the advantages of this association, actively assist members in establishing business contacts with domestic and foreign performance institutions, organize various forms of exhibitions and auction activities, and do a good job in serving, coordinating and organizing for Hong Kong Artists Association facing the domestic and foreign art markets.
Article 9 Organize activities such as exhibition viewing and exchange seminars to promote the improvement and development of artists and the prosperity of the art undertakings.
Article 10 Organize academic seminar activities to promote the improvement and development of theoretical work, and use relevant media to strive to reflect the current situation and achievements in art creation, theory and education.
Article 11 Strive to promote the development of art education, attach importance to, support and guide the development of folk and amateur artist exchange activities, and promote the mutual development of art popularization and improvement.
Article 12 Promote and strengthen the contact and exchanges with artists and artist groups in the Chinese mainland, Macau Special Administrative Region, Taiwan region and overseas Chinese, and contribute to promoting the art culture of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the great cause of national reunification.
Article 13 Promote international art exchanges, enhance the friendship with artists, artist groups and organizations of various countries, and make contributions to the common development of world Chinese art.
Article 14 Strengthen cooperation with relevant government departments and all sectors of society and actively develop the art and cultural industry.
Article 15 Protect the legitimate rights and interests of art workers in accordance with the Constitution, laws and regulations.
Chapter III Members
Article 16 This association adopts the system of individual members and group members.
Article 17 Any art worker who is a citizen of the People's Republic of China, at least 16 years old and has achieved remarkable results in the field of art, approves this constitution, applies by himself/herself, is introduced by two members of this association, and is recommended by the group member unit to the Creation and Exchange Center of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Federation of Literary and Art Circles in the jurisdiction for approval and filling in the form, and then reports to the Hong Kong Federation of Literary and Art Circles Creation and Exchange Center. After being examined and approved by this association and fulfilling the necessary procedures, he/she can become a member of this association.
Article 18 Some private art workers in provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government where the Hong Kong Federation of Literary and Art Circles Creation and Exchange Center has not been established and with greater mobility, who approve this constitution and apply by themselves, can directly apply to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Federation of Literary and Art Circles Creation and Exchange Center after being introduced by two members of this association and become members of this association after being approved by this association.
Article 19 Members have the obligation to abide by the constitution of this association, execute the resolutions of this association, participate in the activities of this association, safeguard the rights and interests of this association and pay the membership dues and network maintenance fees on time. Members have the right to vote and stand for election and the right to supervise, criticize and make suggestions on the work of this association.
Article 20 If a member violates the association's constitution or violates discipline and state laws, the presidium of this association may, after discussion and decision, issue a circular of criticism, suspend the membership or even cancel the membership according to the seriousness of the circumstances. This association shall persuade the member to withdraw through certain procedures.
Article 21 Any foreign artist or overseas Chinese artist who has made special contributions to the art undertakings may, after examination and approval, be awarded the title of honorary member.
Chapter IV Organization
Article 22 The organizational principle of this association is democratic centralism. The highest authority of this association is the member congress. Its functions and powers are: to determine the working principles and tasks of this association; to review the work report; to formulate and amend the "Constitution of Hong Kong Artists Association"; to elect the leading body; to decide other major matters.
Article 23 The representatives of members are elected by the creation and exchange centers and relevant units, and some specially invited representatives are determined according to the situation. At the same time, they are the candidates for directors representing the creation and exchange centers. The directors representing members shall be replaced by the members of the creation and exchange centers after the work changes and report to the presidium of this association for approval.
Article 24 The council is elected by the member congress. The council elects one chairman and several vice chairmen to form the presidium. The presidium appoints one secretary-general and several deputy secretaries-general. During the closing period of the member congress, the council shall execute the resolutions of the member congress. During the closing period of the council, the presidium shall be responsible for executing the resolutions of the member congress and the council.
Article 25 This association shall establish the honorary position of consultants, which shall be hired by the presidium. Consultants shall not serve as directors.
Article 26 The leading members who violate the association's constitution, break the law or are incompetent shall be adjusted, removed or replaced through democratic procedures.
Chapter V Funds and Others
Article 28 The Association shall be located in Hong Kong.
Article 29 The Articles of Association shall be discussed and approved by the General
Assembly of the Members of the Association, and the right to amend them shall
belong to the General Assembly of the members of the Association. The right of
interpretation of the articles of Association belongs to the Hong Kong Artists